Don’t take life so seriously. Do the things that make you happy, make you feel fulfilled, and don’t be afraid of failure or judgement. If you are actively doing things in life to make you happy that is a good thing and should be encouraged. Just start by taking that first step toward the life you want to live and go from there. Who knows what the future holds from that point, but enjoy the journey. At least you are progressing in life and make sure to enjoy that process. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to be perfect and just take that first step.
So many of us spend so much of our time thinking of great ideas and being too scared to ever follow through on them. We fear judgement, we fear that if we put something out in the world, people won’t like it or people will think less of you for it. But I’m here to tell you that that is just not the case. If you are doing what you want and creating something, then I think you are already so much braver than most people, and I respect the courage you have immensely.
In the past, I’ve always dreamt about living a better life; a fuller life with purpose, joy, great relationships and enough money to buy my own freedom. But until now these have only ever been dreams and I’ve never used that burning desire to push forward and become something greater than what I am right now.
I’ve had thoughts like:
“You’re not good enough at this, you’re going to fail.”
“People will think you’re stupid if you do this.”
“What’s the point in doing this if it won’t be super successful and make millions and squillions of pounds?”
These are such negative thoughts and completely stopped me from doing anything I wanted to do.
I’m deciding now to make a change to my way of thinking — a change to be more positive, to build myself up, and let myself know that even if what I’m doing isn’t “amazing”, it doesn’t matter. If I enjoy it, that is enough. Instead of waiting for that one perfect idea, I’m just going to go with my heart and do what makes me happy. I’m not going to worry about what other people think anymore, and I’m going to stop putting so much pressure on myself to live this ideology of a perfect and successful life. All that pressure ever did was paralyse me and stop me from ever making any progress. It caused me to project my own fears onto others, lose relationships that I cared about dearly and stop me from ever being happy because I feel like I didn’t deserve happiness.
Hopefully this change in my way of thinking leads to something better. I want to stop dreaming of an amazing life and just take that first step to being happy and fulfilled. I want to enjoy the process and feel passionate with the things I do. I want to just have fun with it and see where this journey takes me.
I think that inside of everyone there is a raging desire for more or for a better life. Don’t be afraid of those thoughts; embrace them and listen to them, and it can definitely help give you that drive you need in life to achieve your goals. But also, don’t let it paralyse you from ever making progress. Don’t get overwhelmed, take small steps towards a big goal.
Once you start, you will achieve things you never thought were possible.